Nettle leaf is a good source of calcium and other minerals,

What is nettle leaf good for? Nettle leaf is a good source of calcium and other minerals, which can help reduce your risk of kidney disease, osteoporosis, and other serious conditions. It's also rich in many vitamins, like vitamin C, which is a powerful aid to the immune system and may even protect against various types of cancer.7 Sept 2023

Stinging Nettle cure for Arthritis

Stinging nettles are plants with sharp hairs on their leaves. Potential health benefits include arthritis relief, reduction in seasonal allergies, and diabetes .. Are used to treat arthritis gout rheumatism and soft tissue conditions

panacea for almost anything that ails you

It's a cure for arthritis and herbal treatment for allergies relieves hair loss, treats Celiac disease, bleeding, bladder infections, skin complaints, neurological disorders and a long list of other conditions its nettle leaf