Transform Your Life
by Changing Behaviours

Breaking Free from Addictions - One Step at a Time

About Us
At our practice, we believe in the power of change. 
We know the benefit of Transformation.

Our mission is to help individuals manage and overcome their addictions through personalized treatment plans. 
We understand that each journey is unique.

We are here to support you every step of the way.
using our Transform’d LIFE On-line Video Library

Short instructional Video’s about:
Psoriasis.   Arthritis.   Gout.   Shingles.   Rheumatism.   Brain Fog.   Flem.   Sore Throat.   Haemoroids.   Heartburn.   High Blood Pressure.   Diabetes.    Stop Smoking

Transforming Behaviors
for a
Healthier Tomorrow

Some issues you’ve had for too long .
You want to change.
you can change your life ONE STEP at a time.

We believe in the power of change.
We believe in the power of how “TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE can change your body.

Our mission is to help individuals manage and overcome their health issues.

We use natural plant remedies all from Australian trees, shrubs, plants and flowers. Remedies that have made life changing differences for others.

Transform your own life …. YOU MIGHT BE NEXT.

Our Transformation Course 'Me Transformed'

Our Course has . . . Three Parts 1] We ask the question WHY. Why do we have this behavior (smoking, gambling, drinking, anxiety etc) Part 1 uses Kinesiology techniques 2] Now we HEAL the why using Hypno-psycho therapy (trauma healing) 3] Our third part of Me Transformed Homeopathy uses Australia Bush Flower remedies ( bringing your body back to balance and inner calm )

Homeopathy and Herbal Medicine

Natural Medicine is made from Plants and Animals. We need to know your current medical history - your lifestyle and eating habits, and emotional health. Homeopathy treats illness using the healing components of plants, flowers leaves and roots. Mixtures of different plants create tinctures or micro healing juices which are very different in the ways they change and heal illnesses in your body.

Hypno-therapy and Hypnosis

We help people to quit smoking We treat trauma. Hypno-Therapy uses Deep Relaxation Techniques

  • Transformed Healing
  • Unit 11, 47 Station Rd, Bethania QLD, Australia

Natural Healing & Herbal Healing

Totally Natural

A wide selection and solutions

Abundant Australian wild foods and plants

Gumbi Gumbi may be beneficial to boost the immune system

Is a shrub or small tree native to Australia a has been used historically by our Australian Indigenous people for thousands of years. Gumbi Gumbi appears to have the following properties: Anti-pruritic, anti -spasmodic, anti-viral detoxification and galactagogue. Antioxidant; Anti-allergic Antibacterial; Antifungal Anti -inflammatory;. Contains tannin, saponins, alkaloids, phenolic compounds like that in green tea. cardiac glycosides, Poly steroids, anthraquinones, triterpenoids and flavonoids. It may be beneficial to boost the immune system . Lowers fevers, blood pressure-regulates and lowers, Detoxing Agent; Circulation Syndrome; Arthritis and other bones and joint diseases Skin diseases; emphysema, Auto-immune diseases and related problems. Gumbi Gumbi has been reported to benefit in the treatment of: Meniere's Disease Chronic Fatigue Haemorrhoids Vein Conditions Chronic Psoriasis Acne Chronic Eczema Skin repair Diverticulosis Depression Colds and flu's Cramps Chrones IBS Cancer Anti-Convulsant Angina Feeling more energetic, refreshed and relaxed

Gumbi Gumbi - Eczema and such like

Gumbi Gumbi has been reported to benefit in the treatment of: Meniere's Disease Chronic Fatigue Haemorrhoids Vein Conditions Chronic Psoriasis Acne Chronic Eczema Skin repair Diverticulosis Depression Colds and flu's Cramps Chrones IBS Cancer Anti-Convulsant Angina Feeling more energetic, refreshed and relaxed

Lowers fevers and blood pressure, bone and joint diseases

Gumbi Contains tannin, saponins, alkaloids, phenolic compounds like that in green tea. cardiac glycosides, Poly steroids, anthraquinones, triterpenoids and flavonoids. It may be beneficial to boost the immune system

Bentonite Clay Detox Drinks - what is the secret?

Bentonite Clay or Montmorillonite is one of most effective and powerful healing clays. Bentonite clay is made from minerals such as iron, sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, formed from volcanic ash. As a face and hair mask but also taken internally, bentonite clay cleanses the body - not only from toxin up in your digestive system and intestines but even from heavy toxins, such as mercury, cadmium, lead, etc. Looking for an easy recipe that will help remove toxins from the body, boost energy, and get rid of digestion disturbances like acid reflux, constipation, bloating, gas, etc.? Bentonite clay is one of the most powerful healing clays, that has been known for its detoxifying properties for many centuries

Things you will need to prepare Bentonite Clay Detox Drinks

. Food grade, pure Bentonite Clay of volcanic origin. Try Fossil Powered Bentonite Clay (sodium bentonite for the strongest detoxing properties) or Calcium Bentonite Clay Detox Cleanse. . A cup or mason jar

Detox Healing Clay

A cup or measuring jar when using a mason jar make sure not to cover it with a metallic lid, as bentonite clay should not come into contact with any metal. Metal spoons and bowls will react with the clay reducing most of its healing properties. Plastic or wooden spoon for measuring and mixing the drink.

Moringa Tree Anti Cancer Research

The researchers who published their finding in the 2017 study said there was growing evidence supporting the promising role f moringa extracts as anti-cancer candidates. The food and agriculture Organization of the USA recognized moringa as the September 2014 Traditional crop of the month. While the nutritional and medicinal value of moringa is becoming more well known, further scientific research studies and understanding of this plant as a cancer preventive method is needed

Growing Recognition of the Moringa Tree

Source About the Author: Michelle Whitmer has translated medical jargon into patent friendly information at for more than 8 years. Michelle is a registered yoga teacher, a member of the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, and was quoted by the New York Times on the risks of asbestos exposure

Moringa - Used for thousands of years

10 Moringa Powder Benefits for Females Relieves Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms. Supports Digestion and Gut Health. Helps in Balancing Hormones. Supports Mood and Energy During Pregnancy. Supports Lactation. Aids in Detoxification. Helps During Menopause. Supports Bone Health.

Emu Bush Power - Natural Antibiotic

Emu Bush is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a perfect ingredient for skincare products. It helps soothe irritated skin, reduce redness, and promote overall health.2 July 2024

Emu Bush Medicine

Developed by SERCUL for use with the Bush Tucker Education Program. This species, also called Emu Bush or Wild Plum, is related to conifers and has male and female parts on separate plants. Emu Plums produce the largest edible fruits in the South West of Australia.

Herbal Medicine from Emu Bush

Does emu help nerve pain? Emu oil is also applied to the skin to reduce pain and irritation from shingles, bedsores, hemorrhoids, diabetic nerve pain, insect bites, earaches, eye irritation, "growing pains," and frostbite. It is used for rashes, razor burn, and nicks.

WILGA Its beneficial properties are many

its BENEFICIAL PROPERTIES ARE MANY - ANTICOAGULANT: ANTIOXIDANT; ANTIMICROBIAL; ANTIVIRAL; ANTIFUNGAL; ANTI PARASITIC; ANTI CANCER; ANTI-DIABETIC; ANALGESIC; ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS; ANTI-NEURO Degenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's and Parking's diseases, schizophrenia anxiety and depression. Wilga is a useful shade and also street tree in dry areas and as a fodder tree in agricultural areas. Its leaves have medicinal qualities. This tree is extremely hardy once established.

Wilga works on boosting the immune system

Wilga is a useful shade and also street tree in dry areas and as a fodder tree in agricultural areas. Its leaves have medicinal qualities. This tree is extremely hardy once established. muscular relaxant swelling joints

Wilga Anti-hypersensitive

anti high blood pressure; Anti-arrhythmic Anti-depressant; Anti-microbial; Inhibition of sicle Cell formation Anti-Aging; Anti Parkinsonism; Headaches;


Mistletoe is the common name for obligate hemiparasitic plants in the order Santalales. They are attached to their host tree or shrub by a structure called the haustorium, through which they extract water and nutrients from the host plant. Wikipedia

Epilepsy and Convulsive disorders

Delirium, hysteria, Neuralgia, nervous debility, hypertension, Mistletoe is a semiparasitic plant that grows on many types of trees, including apple, oak, maple, elm, pine, and poplar. It has been used for hundreds of years to treat medical conditions such as epilepsy, asthma, hypertension, headaches, menopausal symptoms, infertility, dermatitis, arthritis, and rheumatism.21 June 2023

Lysiana (Celtic for All HEAL)

Herbalists for centuries have used Mistletoe for; Improving the immune system - antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral Lowers blood pressure - eases stress on cardiovascular system Cancer - research focuses on reduction of symptoms following chemotherapy Up to 70% of cancer patients in Germany use mistletoe Calms the nervous system -anxiety, restless sleep, tremors, lowers stress hormones

Nettle leaf is a good source of calcium and other minerals,

What is nettle leaf good for? Nettle leaf is a good source of calcium and other minerals, which can help reduce your risk of kidney disease, osteoporosis, and other serious conditions. It's also rich in many vitamins, like vitamin C, which is a powerful aid to the immune system and may even protect against various types of cancer.7 Sept 2023

Stinging Nettle cure for Arthritis

Stinging nettles are plants with sharp hairs on their leaves. Potential health benefits include arthritis relief, reduction in seasonal allergies, and diabetes .. Are used to treat arthritis gout rheumatism and soft tissue conditions

panacea for almost anything that ails you

It's a cure for arthritis and herbal treatment for allergies relieves hair loss, treats Celiac disease, bleeding, bladder infections, skin complaints, neurological disorders and a long list of other conditions its nettle leaf

Patients with Lupus and other auto-immune disorders suffering from joint pain

its diuretic action alkalizes and releases uric acid from the joints of gout patients

Stinging Nettle health benefits for women

high in ion making it is excellent for combating anemia and fatigue. It supports the liver and female the female hormonal system. Pregnant women benefit from stinging nettle

Reduces PMS processes estrogen to relieve menopausal symptoms

promotes milk production in nursing mothers processes estrogen to relieve menopausal symptoms and curbs excess menstrual flow. Often used in herbal tonics to remove fibroids and regulate the menstrual flow.

John Koeller


John owns and operates a herbal farm near Dalby ( Queensland). For twenty years, he has delivered Native Plant Remedies for many household and personal health issues - around Australia as well as across the world.

Robyn Swarner


Robyn has clinical qualifications dealing with detox clinics in Australia (Bond University) and New York (working in Drug Rehabilitation Clinics) Robyn has operated in the Homeopathic fields privately as well as on-staff for health practices in Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane. She has qualifications in Kinesiology and Hypnotherapy, but her mindset has always practiced in the natural fields. Working with Australian Bush Flowers, Robyn consults to create health remedies for individual clients (solving problems and making specific oral drop products) . Robyn has training in John’s product range of Herbal Health remedies, through her Consultation process ( in-house).

Our Transformation Course 'Me Transformed'

Our Course has . . . Three Parts 1] We ask the question WHY. Why do we have this behavior (smoking, gambling, drinking, anxiety etc) Part 1 uses Kinesiology techniques 2] Now we HEAL the why using Hypno-psycho therapy (trauma healing) 3] Our third part of Me Transformed Homeopathy uses Australia Bush Flower remedies ( bringing your body back to balance and inner calm )

Homeopathy and Herbal Medicine

Natural Medicine is made from Plants and Animals. We need to know your current medical history - your lifestyle and eating habits, and emotional health. Homeopathy treats illness using the healing components of plants, flowers leaves and roots. Mixtures of different plants create tinctures or micro healing juices which are very different in the ways they change and heal illnesses in your body.

Hypno-therapy and Hypnosis

We help people to quit smoking We treat trauma. Hypno-Therapy uses Deep Relaxation Techniques